This is the perfect time to think about your vision for yourself and your business and why you went into business in the first place. Think like an entrepreneur wherever your career takes you. Look again at your values and where they came from.
- Are you influenced more by the media and your friends, or by what is really important to you?
- Is earning money your first priority at this time in your life or do you have the time and financial means to take risks and spend your time and money on the things your love to do?
- Are you taking the time to to choose your direction rather than letting it choose you?
If earning money is a priority, you can learn to live on less and enjoy it more. Through training or experience learn the skills that will take you where you want to go. Enjoy the simple pleasures in life. I learned to "Have a fine day" from my little dog, Pepper. The new year is a good time to revisit your personal and business "Vision." Have you drifted off course? You may need to pay attention to your natural strengths and the skills you are building. Determine how much risk you can take at this time in your life. An entrepreneur is resourceful, resilient, and able to take planned risks. Make your risk-taking worthwhile and enjoy the ride!
This website is intended for informational purposes only. Comments are open to the public and not endorsed by the author. For career advise, coaching, or counseling, please seek out a professional who can meet your personal needs.
Nancy Miller, M.S., Career Management Consultant
Copyright Center for LifeWork Design © 2007
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Copyright Center for LifeWork Design © 2007
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